TEOTWAWKI (the end of the world as we know it) is coming for you, your family, and your little dog too. don't worry, it'll even get your boss.

submedia founder, surradical moving picture maker franklin lopez drops by for a chat. we'll sit in comfy chairs & not panic.

see episode I of
the end of the world as we know it & i feel fine right here.

how do you cope with vancouver rains?
this is what franklin does.

he brought his bike & his camera to vancouver's november critical mass ride. he fired his car last year.

ooh, and we have an early boxing day special!

we play excerpts from the last work less party production, the church of pointless consumerism. i saw it sunday night, & nearly peed in my pew...

the show may be ended, but the world hasn't stopped ticking yet. still time for a bit of old-fashioned comic relief!

according to, the rapture index (
"the prophetic speedometer of end-time activity") is currently running at 162. brrrrr! layers, folks, layers! you may want to get the t-shirt now.

& better make that bunker for two.

remember, even TEOTWAWKI finds time for romance. [see figure]

please note: the pedal revolutionary show will be beamed from a guaranteed holiday-music free zone. we offer small mercies. big ones are probably tricks.

TEOTWAWKI & 'just a friend'

how will the world end?

cutting-edge theories from july 1900. death from air starvation, a dying sun,
killer lobsters, the relentless multiplication of voracious bread-eaters, and a note on the fate of our poor, thirsty cousins, the martians. chilling illustrations by warwick goble.

happy holidays!