Monkey Warfare
THURS DEC 7 2oo6

The Director of
Monkey Warfare
Reg Harkema

Actor/Prop Wrangler Cindy Wolfe
Molotov Safety Instructor Flick Harrison

Bike Theft Confessionals, Molotov Cocktails & Revenge Fantasies. The things that made college radio all the rage!

hear the interview
(to download, right click or ctrl click on the desired format)

mp3 format (27 mb)
ogg vorbis (24 mb)

see photos from the Vancouver premiere

read Rhiannon's review in Momentum Magazine.

starring flick harrison

oscar wilde brought us salome in french. these days, heads on platters are hard to come by. fuel will be too, but not for another decade or so. alors, smoke 'em if ya got 'em.


guerilla riding tips
starring reg hakema

ce nʻest pas un pipe bomb
(mais c'est la meme chose)

& hay, there's a momentum party
& the b:c:clettes will be bootifying it!