AUGUST 17, summer marathon 2006
who's tired?! even the 14 year olds are exhausted! lookit them.
geez, wouldja look.

there's more bike stuff goin on that you can shake a tailfeather at, lady.
today we gonna have a...

gonna have: neha bangar, giving us the low down on Traffic Jam, a day of music, freeschool, food, & community fomenting. she fights evil over at the society promoting environmental conservation (SPEC to its friends).

when? sun sept 10.

where? duh, the eastside of course. bless its subversive little heart.

which reminds me cos i almost forgot...

the gateway project sucks sustainable buttock.
read others say it with more grace:

gateway to gridlock
mmm, traffic flooding

bartender, another round of u-locks please.

an' we gonna have:

<---dan kaufman, the biker behind a new internet veloTV site from portland, CrankMyChain

watch team canada & zoobomb rain mini-terror upon a yankee mall consumer frenzy!

an' we gonna have:

<---diabolically friendly bikers warning us of the impending Quickening, this saturday in the other albany (oregon).

they been welding bikes all night & they're ready to slay some airtime! they said they'll try not to swear. i'm gonna try too. let's all try.

--->an' we gonna have music by
forty hundred thousand locked up guns, crank my chain & joey only.

don't fegeddabout critical mass bike ridin, fri august 25, vancouver art gallery, georgia side. meet 5:30, ride at 6. then the velofusion begins, complete with cherry auction & hymenager hunt. & the booth of 4 options! why buy the cow when you can get the milk for $3?

if you miss the broadcast, come back later for the archived version. if this was a show about drying paint, or eating spaghetti with your feet, the podcasts would be fast & furious. as it is, they are pokey & voracious. one day we have it all!

ride like sun!
eat like monster!
sleep like bear!

take my bike, please.