THURS OCT 12 2oo6

ah, city council -
cruisin for a bruisin,
or just plain igne

the bad news: people are having fun.

the good news: the npa is here to help.

image courtesy of found magazine, the vancouver issue. item found at cambie & 12th.

the city's initiative to rid vancouver of one of the oldest, most unique skate parks in north america is not going unnoticed. a group of fine bmx chaps will bring us the latest on the emerging battle for china creek.

& city council, bless its little black heart, has a plan. 2 plans even.

upgrade has such a nice ring to it, doesn't it? upgrade. it almost doesn't sound like a lie. concept plan kinda gives it away though. better luck next time boys.

option 1, make it better. option 3, rip it down & build it again, only sucky. don't know what happened to option 2, but i like to think it involved the phrase "bite me."

& while we're at it, we'll get a bit of low down on the local bmx scene, & urban riding. 20" & counting!

hey look, nicole kidman in bmx bandits (1983). who knew she'd fall for a cultist? like the song says,
nicole, you stole my soul with your cute little bunny hop...that's from a semi-vile song by wheatus.

hear the vile, vile music i couldn't bear to let on the show, despite the fact that it's by an actual band called bmx bandits.

~ and on the eastern front ~
car-free commercial drive fest vs. commercially-driven car-frenzy-fest

GWAC AGM. mean something to ya? if it doesn't, it will soon.

as the highway expansion continues to heave its bloated carcass towards the realm of possibility, a line has appeared in the sand, & its name is Grandview Woodland. they just had their Area Council Annual General Meeting & election last night, & the fur must have been a-flying.

we'll get an eyewitness report from kevin potvin, earthshaker, editor of the republic newspaper, & owner of magpie magazines. he ran for council last night, & we look forward to a good-old-fashioned bull session.

photo of kevin potvin courtesy of the straight, taken during oct/05 critical mass.
come on, that's adorable. lookit the vest. come on! i love this town.

to read more about the highway expansion suck-o-rama-rama, meet the citizens concerned with highway expansion, or read the livable region coalition's position paper.

say it with me, "i'm mad as hell, & i'm not gonna take it anymore!" feels good. even better if you holler it leaning out the window inna dirty undershirt, or beat your breast in the rain. look, i'm no howard beale. but then, there is no howard beale. never was.

but there is a hell. we'll be treated to a rush hour traffic report from the streets of terminal city. coming to you live from the carside of caged humans, News Room Assistant Katy J & Deputy Sub-Commandant News Room Assistant Heinous Grime bring us up-to-the-heartbeat coverage of the grim reality facing car people. how can they stand it? we attempt to find out...

& btw, the workless party's havin a masquerade ball! sat oct 14 at the capri (fraser & 23rd). check out the awesome lineup

during the party, the bicycle bee will be auctioning off a 3 speed mini tall bike, & a full on massage from the incredible b:c:clettes bike dance troopers! bid on these items after the carnival band finishes (around 10:45) & look for our silent auction table full of bike art & mania, manned by live honeybees!